Optional: Add SonicGMI to the Steam Launch Window Note: I update this Guide whenever a new good mod comes out so check the guide out again every now and then (I often write in the comments what I updated/added). Click on the "Subscribe to this thread" button above the comments at the bottom of the guide when you want to get notified when I add/update a mod (little side effect,you also get a notification when someone writes a comment).Ĭlick on the headline of a Mod to open the Youtube video with the download link.You need to open it in a browser to actually download it though. Click the download button to be send dirently to the download page.Click on the headline of a Mod to open the Youtube video with the download link.I marked the most inportant Mods with a "★" so you know which mods you shouldn't miss.

The guide is split into three parts, part one for graphics and other mod, part two for level mod and part three for character and music mods.Google Drive: Mod Collection Ĭredit to Idan for idea of the Mods Collection and Basic Mods Collection on Google Drive. Mod Collection:This mod collection includes all of Sonic Generations mods included in this list in one neat place so it's easier to download and it's including guides and installations. If you have issues with the HMM you can try SonicGMI. Some mods may need a different installation method, which is usually explained in the description of the mod on Youtube, Gamebabana or in the mod folder.